Gay chat & match

★ SCRUFF is the top-rated and most reliable app for gay, bi, trans and queer guys to connect.
★ SCRUFF is an independent, LGBTQ owned and operated company, and we use the app that we build.
★ We’re proud to give users a private and secure experience, a friendly and diverse community, and more features than any other gay dating app.
We’re dedicated to protecting our members’ data and improving user experience, so you’ll never see banner ads on SCRUFF and we won’t sell your data to shady 3rd party companies.
★ 15+ million guys, no spambots.
★ Find exactly the guys you like by using SCRUFF’s powerful search and filters.
★ View and chat with guys from your neighborhood or around the world.
★ SCRUFF connects you with the guys you like.
★ SCRUFF gives users all kinds of ways to find all types of connections:
★ Browse and chat with guys from your neighborhood or around the world.
★ Use powerful search and filters to find exactly who you’re into.
★ See a new stack of guys every day on SCRUFF Match - the more you swipe, the smarter it gets about what you’re looking for.
★ SCRUFF makes it easy to show all sides of who you are:
★ Share your story with multiple profile pics, rich profiles, private albums and more
★ Let guys know what you’re into with profile details like sex preferences and safer-sex practices.
★ SCRUFF hosts the world’s first live queer quiz show:
★ 10 questions over 3 rounds -- get all 10 right and get a piece of the cash prize (up to $500)
★ See who’s playing nearby and see who’s been eliminated from the game
★ Woof and fav to make a connection during or after the game
★ Find guys looking for the same thing with SCRUFF Match:
★ Every day, SCRUFF Match shows you a new stack of guys who are looking for guys like you.
★ Swipe left to pass, right if you’re interested -- if it’s a match, we’ll let you both know.
★ Choose “Ask later” if you’re not sure about him, and we’ll show him again tomorrow.
★ Your social guide to LGBTQ events, curated daily by our team.
★ RSVP, see who else is going, and find your wingman.
★ Browse the top LGBTQ parties, prides, festivals, and events near you or around the globe.
★ Be entered to win free upgrades to SCRUFF Pro when you RSVP and attend "SCRUFF Recommends" events.
★ Your global gay travel companion:
★ Let guys know when you’re visiting and ask locals for tips.
★ Share your travel plans on your profile, so guys in your destination city know you’ll be there soon.
★ Chat with local guys at your destination before you arrive.
★ SCRUFF prioritizes our users’ safety and security:
★ No spambots, no programmatic advertising
★ 24/7 support for our community
★ We never share your data with Facebook, 3rd party ad networks or data aggregators.
★ Unlike other apps, message history, photos, and videos sync across your devices and never get lost.