Simultaneously manage your dual account to easy your life through virtual system

If you have two accounts for messaging apps, are you tired of logging in and out to check messages on both sides?
If you have two game accounts, do you want to keep them online at the same time on a single device to enjoy doubled fun?
If you have two social networking accounts, have you wished you could separate work from life and keep your privacy safe?
As one of the top-ranked tools on Android, Parallel Space has helped more than 90 million users manage multiple accounts of the same app simultaneously in a virtual system. What’s more, we are introducing Parallel Space Lite which boasts a faster performance speed and keeps your dual accounts running in a high-speed virtual system.
Parallel Space Lite supports 24 languages, and is compatible with most Android apps. Get Parallel Space Lite now, so you can also log in multiple accounts, keep your privacy private, and customize your own unique space.
★Multiple social networking or game accounts at the same time on one device
• Balance between your life and work
• Enjoyed doubled fun in gaming and social contacts
• Log in a second account on various apps and keep your data separated
★Easy switch between different accounts
• Run two accounts simultaneously and switch between them with just one-tap
• Manage different accounts effectively
• If you are using Parallel Space and Parallel Space Lite at the same time, theoretically you can run more than 2 accounts at once :)
• Permissions: Parallel Space Lite will need to ask for your permission to use the information required by the apps you add in it for the cloned apps to function normally. Specifically, if required by the cloned app, Parallel Space Lite will need to access and process your location data to enable a normal usage of the cloned app even when Parallel Space Lite is running in background.
• Consumptions: Parallel Space Lite itself doesn't take up too much memory, battery, and data, but it is likely that the apps running in Parallel Space Lite do. You can check ‘Settings’ in Parallel Space Lite for more information.
• Notifications: In order to receive notifications from cloned apps, especially social networking apps, you will need to add Parallel Space Lite to the whitelist in third-party boost apps and such.
• Conflict: Some social networking apps may not allow you to run two accounts using the same mobile number. In that case, please use a different mobile number for your second account in the cloned app, and make sure that number is active and can be used to receive verification messages.
For any problems, please feel free to contact us via the 'Feedback' feature inside Parallel Space Lite or send us an email at: [email protected]
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