Exam Preparation App: Free Live Class | Mock Tests
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Online Coaching for 200+ Government Exams, 12,000+ Mock Tests: SSC, Banking, RRB

Welcome to Testbook - The most trusted exam preparation app for competitive exams. Supported by a community of 1.4 crore+ students, we offer a flawless online coaching experience for all major government exams for FREE. With various sectors such as railways, banking, SSC etc., exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, GATE, CTET, RRB NTPC, RRB GROUP D, RRB JE, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SSC CPO, IBPS PO, DRDO MTS, DRMC, CIL, LIC Assistant Mains, etc., we aim at providing the best learning environment with an end-to-end preparation model. We’ve introduced live coaching, free mock tests, personalized doubts sessions, a dedicated coach and PDF Notes.
Download the Testbook app & avail the following:
Free Practice Sets of 50,000+ questions for better revision & practice
Live Classes by renowned expert faculties.
A set of 200+ Govt & Banking Recruitment Exams
3500+ Video Tips & Tricks from Experts
Daily Current Affairs with free downloadable PDF Notes.
Detailed smart analysis based on your performance with pointers to improve
Bilingual: To enable students with the preparations in their preferred language
Night Mode: To ensure nothing stops you with your govt exam preparations
Testbook Pass- Get 12000+ Mock Tests with 4000+ online classes for 200+ exams in TB Pass.
Personal Coach- A Dedicated mentor for each student to ensure proper guidance
Install the Testbook app today & get the latest exam-related updates. Our live classes & online courses are designed to build your confidence.
Win over your government exam preparations for the following exams-
SSC CGL & CHSL Preparation App- The best of SSC is here! Notifications for SSC CGL & SSC CHSL are released. This marks an important development for the students preparing to serve the bureaucratic positions in the country. Kickstart your SSC preparations with our free mock tests, test series & various courses. With Testbook, you shall get a detailed understanding of all the important topics included in the SSC syllabus.
CTET Preparation App- Testbook accelerates your preparation for CTET Exam. With the CTET question papers, live coaching, mock tests, we are the ultimate CTET App for you. The students can reach our experts to know more about the best CTET Books, practice tests etc. & win over your exams.
RRB Preparation App- Everyone is waiting for the RRB NTPC & RRB Group D exam. Prepare with Testbook & avail tests, practice questions & individual guidance for the RRB Exams. We have the best online coaching & study material for exams conducted by Railways. Exams such as RRB JE, RRB NTPC, RRB Group D etc, are crucial to aspiring candidates & we pride ourselves to bring the best selection rates with expertise.
GATE Preparation App- GATE Preparation has been our strong forte. We have produced the best selection rates for the exam. Avail guidance from our expert faculties for all streams including GATE CSE & GATE Mechanical. Join us & be a part of the GATE Exam Success Stories.
CWC Preparation App- Prepare for CWC Recruitment with the best. With our experienced faculties, free mock tests, practice sets & live coaching sessions, we promise the best possible guidance to the students.
DRDO MTS Preparation App- We bring you a complete online course material for DRDO CEPTAM MTS Exam. Get access to our Test Series with 10+ tests in the store. We help you with the best quality study material for the exam & preparation tips.
SBI PO Preparation App- For the banking sector, we promise the best online coaching experience with the SBI PO live coaching & free mock tests to ace your banking preparations. Our SBI PO Course entails the best study material for the candidates which comes to the immediate query solving classes from the banking faculties.
Our team is here to help with all your SSC CGL, Banking, RRB NTPC & RRB JE queries.
Enrol & ace your CTET, railway prep, GATE SSC Prep & banking preparations with us!