Profile picture without cropping, DP social media, square fit size 1:1

Every time you change your profile picture it's needed to be cropped and frequently you loose a substantial part of the photo.
This app will automatically adjust the picture size to be the maximum allowed without losing any part of it, avoiding cropped pictures.
You can load any picture from your photo gallery or take one with your device camera.
If your picture is not square sized you can fill the empty spaces with a color or a wallpaper background. With over 850 square background images and 250 photo frames!
You can also set the size, rotation and position of the picture using pinch gesture and sliding the picture.
- Is the easiest no crop photo editor for social media.
- It is useful for automatically change the DP (Display image).
- Profile photo uncropped. No crop photo.
- No crop pic. Easy to use and quick.
- Try out our no crop pictures editor for free
- You can choose the cropping options. Circle fit or Square fit
- Photo Resizer. Automatic resizing. Resize to square picture 1:1
- Manual adjustment in size and rotation (pinch gesture) and position (slide a finger).
- Selection of pictures from the photo album.
- Take a picture from the camera.
- Control of image rotation.
- You can select the background color of the square photo.
- Select the wallpaper of the square pic
- You can put any picture inside the circle profile pic!
- Small size. Download size is less than 15MBs.
- Now better image quality!
- Whatscrop saves your dp photos in full size in the "Whastcrop" folder in high quality.