Sell & Buy preloved clothes.

Discover a new personal shopping and selling experience on Vinted. Find vintage gems from your favorite brands. List and give the clothes you used to love a new owner. Join 11 million stylish women in our community. If you love fresh style ideas, get Vinted!
Save for your next big dream and boost your budget selling on Vinted. Cool Nike sneakers, classy Brandy Melville handbags or Ralph Lauren designer clothes - great brands are flying off our shelves.
Sell top brands for what they’re worth:
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List for free, always:
Until you make a sale, Vinted won’t cost you a cent.
Build your style network:
Find people who love your style and get loyal buyers.
Shop every well-known brand and find gems that aren’t in stores anymore. New and gently used boho clothes from Free People, chic Zara dresses and cozy UGG boots - you’ll find deals on these and so much more with Vinted.
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Use location filters to spot the best deals in your area and save on shipping.
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Vinted isn’t just another fashion app. It’s where you can explore style ideas, meet women from all backgrounds and discuss anything in our community.
You’re only a step away from making Vinted work for you. Download Vinted for free - experience shopping that feels extra personal, and meet fashionistas you’ll sell your clothes to.
Have issues using the app or ideas on how to make it better? Let us know at [email protected] - we’d love to hear your thoughts!