Trivial Quiz - The Pursuit of Knowledge
4.8k Reviews -
1.6.3 Version
TRIVIAL is an awesome trivia game that will challenge your knowledge!

TRIVIAL is a trivia game divided into several categories to challenge your knowledge!
How to play:
• Start a new game
• Select your favorite category
• Answer the 7 questions in the shortest time
You can choose from the following categories:
• Geography (Countries, capitals, flags...)
• Entertainment (Movies, music, artists...)
• History
• Art and Literature (Books, paintings...)
• Science and Nature
• Sport (Football, board games...)
Want more than one category? No problem! You can choose the random mode so your game has a bit of everything ;)
Trivial Quiz - The Pursuit of Knowledge shows a set of statistics for you to stay on track of your performance in the game and always try to improve your maximum!