SCB Easy App, the first lifestyle banking application in Thailand

About Easy App: The first banking application in Thailand offering more than just an ordinary transaction. Over 12 million people manage their finances through the app. You can do basic financial activities like transfer money to friends and family, pay your bills, top-up your mobile phones. The new app also offers these useful features:
• Customize your home screen: for optimal usage, customize your home screen display with frequent transactions fitting your needs
• Cardless ATM: clicks away from cash withdrawals with the new Cardless ATM menu
• Lifestyle ready: a contemporary lifestyle menu includes restaurant recommendations, a donation feature, movie ticket and Easy Bonus, a new rewards program offering privileges all-year-round
• Fingerprint recognition: access the service with the touch of your finger with the fingerprint recognition log-in option
• Adjustable daily transfer limit: flexible option to raise your daily transfer limit to a higher amount and vice versa