Obtém a função "Always On" com um consumo de bateria mínimo
Obtém a função "Always On" no teu telemóvel ou tablet.
Keep your screen on all the time.
The first open source always on app!
The idea is to provide users with information about, time, date, notifications and more and all without having to touch the phone. Just by looking at it.
This is made possible thanks to AMOLED displays. Most of the screen stays black except for a few pixels.
★Notable features
• Always On Screen
• Notifications - view notifications without touching your device
• Automatic rules - preserve battery using predefined rules
• Auto movement - avoid AMOLED burn-in
• Modo de noite auto - dim tela automaticamente em ambiente escuro
• Pocket mode - lock the device when you leave it in your pocket to save battery
• Double tap to wake + Swipe up to wake + Volume keys to wake + Back button to wake
• Force orientation - set your preferred screen orientation
• Customization - change the text color, text size, brightness and more
Before using please enable 'draw over apps' permission for this app.
The app is in BETA, it still has bugs and lacks features.
Camera permission
The app needs camera permission to recognize camera launch event and dismiss the "always on" screen.
Phone permission
The app needs phone permission to recognize incoming calls, dismiss the always on screen and show the incoming call screen.
Modify system settings permission
The app needs permission to modify system settings to change the brightness of the lock screen.
Google Plus Community