Photolamus - caricatures, portraits and cartoons
6.8k Reviews - Version
Best caricature from photo app - 100% hand-drawn caricatures from photos!

Order caricatures and portraits drawn from your photos by professional artists from all over the world!
Why order caricature from Photolamus app:
> Every caricature and portrait is 100% hand-drawn from your own photo - no templates used;
> High quality of delivery - .jpg files of 4000x4000px at 300 dpi;
> Any drawing can be ordered PRINTED ON CANVAS after the delivery;
> Clear and affordable pricing - no hidden costs;
> Super-quick delivery - starting with only 3 days;
> Thousands of happy customers all over the world and extensive drawing experience - over 10 years!
> Your satisfaction is GUARANTEED!
What you can order in Photolamus Android App:
> 1-3 persons caricatures and portraits;
> Group orders of 4-500 persons;
> 2 drawing styles: Paper and Computer;
> Black and White and Colored options;
> 3 Levels of exaggeration: Caricature, Cartoon and Portrait;
> 2 Body types: Head and shoulders and Full body
> FREE Themes applied in moments: Superhero caricatures, Romantic caricatures, Business avatars, Wedding caricature gifts and many more!