Med Notepad viktige data raskt og enkelt kan noteres.
Notepad er en enkel notisblokk app. Med Notepad kan raskt og enkelt hente viktige data og spilt like raskt.
Så langt er det bare én side (men dette er nesten uendelig lang) der Notatene kan lagres.
* Ny funksjon * Med de to nye knapper nå, tekststørrelsen kan justeres optimalt til enheten.
Denne app (uten reklame) kan lastes ned her:
But in the near future there will be further functions.
However, new features depend on community feedback. If you want one or more functions, evaluate the app and give in the comment a constructive and above all friendly feedback and tell me which functions you are missing in this app.
If you are completely satisfied with this app, it would be nice if you rated the app with the highest rating. ;)
A friendly and constructive feedback is essential to introduce new functions. I would be very happy, of course, to praise myself.
Do you want a feature or a suggestion for a change in the app and have the necessary programming skills to implement these changes? No problem. Just write me an email and I will work with you to find a solution for a new version. As a reward, you will get a free version of the new app with all its features.