Mobile. de - buy and sell used and new cars on your smartphone!

 is Germany’s largest car market with over 1.4 million registered vehicles. The app offers clear search criteria and filter options to find your dream vehicle at a fair price. Benefit from the wide selection of used cars, new cars, motorhomes, and motorbikes. You want to sell your car? No problem – create an ad on or sell your car directly to one of our buying stations.
The app at a glance – easy, secure and at no charge!
✓ Comfortably buy and sell your car
✓ Quickly find your dream car through precise search criteria
✓ Save time by saving your searches
✓ Don’t miss any offers and receive alerts for new ads
✓ Bookmark your favorites on your personal parking space
✓ Immediately recognize good offers with the help of transparent price evaluation
✓ Read dealer ratings or rate them yourself
✓ Quickly place free ads
✓ Sync your searches and ads on all devices
✓ Make direct contact with the vehicle supplier
✓ Discover the fastest route to your desired vehicle
Your opinion is important to us! Any questions or tips for improving the app? Use the feedback form or contact our customer service at [email protected] or +49 30-81097-774 (Mon. – Fri. 8:00-18:00).