갤러리 KK는 KitKat (Android 4. 4)에 포함되어 있는 공식 갤러리 및 사진 편집기 앱의 개선된 버전입니다.
★ 새로운 버전 2.0 ★
갤러리 KK는 KitKat (Android 4.4)에 포함되어 있는 공식 갤러리 및 사진 편집기 앱의 개선된 버전입니다.
저희의 목적은 안드로이드 전화기나 태블릿에서 이 멋진 갤러리를 이용할 수 있게 하는 것입니다!
이 앱은 지난 롤리팝 (안드로이드 5.0)으로의 업그레이드로 전통적인 겔러리 앱이 없어진 넥서스 기기를 위해서도 최상입니다.
저희는 더 많은 기기를 지원하고자 호환성을 개선하는데 노력하고 있습니다.
--- 기능들 ---
● 갤러리:
- 초고속 사진 & 비디오 뷰어
- 설정 가능한 썸네일 크기/색상
- 태그
- 액션 버튼
- 그리드 뷰/필름스트립 뷰
- 원치 않는 폴더 숨기기
- 상태 바 보이기/숨기기
- 애니메이티드 GIF 지원
- 슬라이드쇼 애니메이션: 페이드, 줌, 슬라이드 & 플립
- 포토 스피어 지원
- 트림 비디오
- 더 많은 멋진 기능들이 곧 소개될 예정...
● 사진 편집기:
- 고품질의 사진 편집
- 새로운 전용 필터 (써멀 & 모자이크)
문제가 있으시면 [email protected] (english)로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 어떠한 피드백이든 기쁜 마음으로 받겠습니다.
지원해주셔서 감사합니다!
--- FAQ ---
● What are tags? What is its used for?
Tags are keywords that you can attach to your photos to categorize and organize them. A built-in tag editor will help you to manage them quickly.
Use the Tags view to see all photos classified by tags. You can even import tags from the photos that you have in the gallery.
Tags are stored in the metadata of the photos and are not lost if you uninstall the app.
● What are the Action Buttons? How can I customize them?
Action buttons are two buttons that appear on the bottom of the full picture view.
You can customize these buttons from "Settings→Pictures→Action Button(left/right)" to assign your favorites quick actions (edit, delete, crop, rotate, ...). If you prefer you can disable them to better fit your needs!
● How can I move or copy files between albums?
Unfortunately we have not yet integrated this functionality into the current version.
Anyway, you can use apps from other devs that are compatible with Gallery KK, like “Gallery Folder Plugin” from "Tatuas Apps" dev: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tatuas.android.gfp
● Why do you show ad banners within the app?
Ads help us to make money and keep working on improving and adding new features to the app. If you prefer you can remove the ads with an in-app purchase (“Remove ads”).
We use device identifiers to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share such identifiers and other information from your device with our advertiser (Google Admob) and analytics platform (Google Analytics). If you use this app is understood that that you accept these policies.
The in-app purchase (“Remove ads”) also disables the share of info with our analytics partner.
● Why is requested the approximate location (network-based) permission?
On the Locations view the photos (if geotagged) are sorted based on your proximity to them.
--- THANKS ---
● Thanks to everyone who uses our applications. Your support helps us to keep working hard on this project. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any issue. We are delighted to receive any feedback.
● Thanks to Google for releasing the Android open source project. Without their great contribution to the developer community our work would not be possible.
--- NOTES ---
● Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
● This app is not affiliated or endorsed by Google Inc.