Bus Rush 2 adalah salah satu pelari multipemain terbaik di pasar.
Bus Rush 2 adalah salah satu pelari multipemain terlengkap untuk Android. Jalankan di sepanjang Rio de Janeiro dan skenario lainnya. Seret untuk melompat atau geser untuk bergerak ke kiri atau ke kanan, menghindari menabrak rintangan dan bermain balapan dengan pengguna lain di seluruh dunia dalam mode multipemain. Jalankan sekitar Rio dan kumpulkan semua koin yang Anda bisa.
Dalam Bus Rush 2, Anda dapat memilih di antara 6 karakter yang berbeda untuk dimainkan. Jalankan bersama Roy, Zoey, Darryl, Katie dan teman-teman baru mereka yang datang untuk bergabung dalam petualangan: Shen dan Ada! Selain itu, Anda dapat menyesuaikan karakter pilihan Anda dengan membeli berbagai barang seperti kaos, celana, dan sepatu!
Jika Anda berlari cukup lama Anda dapat menjelajah ke tahap bonus skate park baru. Uji kemampuan Anda di taman skate, di mana Anda harus gesit untuk mendapatkan semua batu delima. Jika Anda mencapai tujuan, Anda dapat membuka peti yang berisi hadiah. Mode ini tersedia dalam level tak berujung dan!
Cobalah memainkan mode multipemain baru di mana Anda dapat bergabung dengan balapan seru dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia, kumpulkan pickup yang kuat, dan aktifkan mereka untuk memenangkan balapan!
Jika Anda lelah berlari, Anda dapat memainkan mode baru berdasarkan permainan ular klasik!
Dalam gim mini ular ini Anda bisa mendapatkan banyak hadiah yang bisa Anda gunakan di sisa gim! Termasuk startboost, kotak multi-pemain, tiket acak, koin, dan rubi!
- 6 karakter
- 4 set pakaian tematik dan 6 dasar sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan
- 4 mode permainan: tak berujung, level, multipemain dan minigame ular
- Kota bertema Rio de Janeiro
- Grafis dan suara yang luar biasa
- Lebih dari 7 power up dan booster
- Tahap Bonus: Taman Skate
Bus Rush 2 is one of the most complete multiplayer runners for Android.
Run along Rio de Janeiro and other scenarios. Drag to jump or slide and to move left or right, avoid hitting obstacles like trucks, buses and subway trains among others!. Run around and gather all the coins you can in different scenarios from Rio city like downtown, subway, sewer, forest, different beaches, and an amazing jungle!
Run with Roy, Zoey, Darryl, Katie and their new friends that come to join the adventure: Shen and Ada! Also, you can customize your character of choice by purchasing different items such as t-shirts, pants, and shoes!
Try the new powerups! The boomerang that destroys obstacles converting them in coins and the surfboard that converting you in an immortal runner.
If you run long enough you can venture into the new skate park bonus stage, where you have to be as agile as you can to get all the rubies. If you reach the goal you can open the chest full of rewards. This mode is available in endless and levels!
Only for brave riders! The sewers and the subway are more difficult.
Try to play the new multiplayer mode where you can join fun races with people around the world, collect powerful pickups and activate them to win the race! Soon there will be multiplayer levels set in the sewer, subway, and others!
If you are tired of running, you can play the new mode based on the classic snake game! In this snake mini-game, you can get many rewards that you can use in the rest of the game! Including start boosts, multiplayer boxes, random tickets, coins, and rubies!
The Bus Rush 2 Store has lots of items to enhance your in-game experience. Get upgrades to improve your power-ups including magnets, boots, boomerangs, and surfboards. Upgrade your jetpack too, and get lots of coins and gems. You can also purchase Boards to survive obstacle hits or a consumable jetpack you can use at the start of every game!
- 6 characters
- 4 thematic and 6 basic customizable sets of clothes
- 4 game modes
- Rio de Janeiro themed city
- Different scenarios to run in.
- Excellent graphics and sounds
- Over 7 powerups and boosters
- Bonus Stage: Skate Park