Easily discover, watch, and stream your favorite movies & TV shows in one place

Note: Google TV app is only available on Android mobile and tablet devices in the U.S.
Google TV app, previously Play Movies & TV, makes it easy to find and enjoy the entertainment you love in one place. With Google TV, you'll be able to:
Find what to watch next
Browse 700,000+ movies and TV episodes from across your streaming apps, all in one place and organized into topics and genres. Discover new things with recommendations based on what you love and what’s trending across the services you already have access to. Search for titles to see which streaming apps offer them.
See the latest releases
Buy or rent the newest movies and shows right in the Shop tab. Purchases are stored in your Library and can be downloaded to watch when you're not connected. Watch instantly on your laptop, Android phone or tablet, or on your TV with Google TV or on Play Movies & TV where available.
One list for all your discoveries
Add interesting shows and movies to your Watchlist to keep track of your new discoveries and view them later. The Watchlist is shared between all your devices, so you can even add to your Watchlist from your TV or phone and laptop through Search on any browser.
Learn more about Google TV: tv.google
Learn more about app updates: support.google.com/googleplay/community