Verstecke bilder Gallery Plus
Sie haben Bilder oder Videos auf Ihrem Gerät die Freunde, Kinder oder andere nicht sehen sollen? Gallery plus hilft Ihnen diese vor neugierigen Augen zu schützen.
- Bilder verstecken (Alle Bilder/Videos verstecken)
- Support view animated-GIFs, JPG, PNG... (all photos and videos)
- Anwendungs Icon ändern
- Hide "Hidden Gallery" enable/disable with password.
- Quick camera, create shortcut on home screen quick capture/record and hide it
- Filter photo or video to decrease searching time.
- Fastest and most secure private gallery.
- Working as the original gallery, help you to view and arrange photo from the original gallery and hidden gallery
- The hidden one can replace the original one, with full of photo gallery ‘s ability such as set wallpaper, share and view photo, etc.
- Load & view photos with more animation
- Sichern und Wiederherstellen von Bildern ins Netz
- Hide photo from other apps, such as the app for viewing original photo or the app that manages file, by “Share” feature.
- Storage to hide (sdcard or internel storage)
- Verschiedene Designs
- Kennwort setzen/löschen
- Kennwort oder Muster
- Anwendungsicon verstecken
- Take a photo, recover video and auto hide it
- View gallery with stock gallery and hidden gallery, easy switch between them
- View photos, videos, zoom in, out, slideshow
- Effect scroll then view photos, videos (Flip, 3D, zoom, stack...).
- Multi-select photos, videos to hide.
- Bilder/Videos verstecken mit Gallery Plus:
+ Bilder/Videos zum verstecken/wiederherstellen antippen und halten
- Bilder/Videos vor anderen Anwendungen verstecken:
+ Select album, photos, videos from gallery, file manager, etc, and choose "Share" and tap "Gallery Plus", media will auto hide.
MODIFY USB STORAGE/SD CARD CONTENTS & READ EXTERNAL STORAGE needs this to hide your files on your phone
WAKE LOCK Keep screen on during slideshow
CAMERA take a photos, or recocrod videos to hide
PROCESS OUTGOING CALL to open application with diapadYou have photos or videos on your phone and you don't want children, friends or others people to see it? Gallery plus hilft Ihnen diese vor neugierigen Augen zu schützen.