The CENTURY 21® Local Listing Search App provides access to MLS Listings.

With the CENTURY 21® Local Listing Search app, you’re not just choosing a home. You’re choosing a lifestyle.
We know that’s a big decision. So we bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information on homes in your area, instant updates when new homes hit the market, and details about local neighborhoods – and we connect you with a real estate professional who’s prepared to help you find just what you’re looking for.
• Make it personal. Find and save homes based on the characteristics that are most important to you: bedrooms and bathrooms, price, square footage, neighborhood, and much more – and get New Listing Alerts whenever new homes that meet your needs hit the market.
• Scope out your future neighborhood! See school district and neighborhood boundaries, and check out points of interest – including restaurants, grocery stores, shopping, and much more. You can even view Yelp profiles for your future yoga studio or pizza place.
• Location, location, location: you can draw your own search area right on the map, view traffic information, and find homes based on your current location.
• Get easy access to your number one resource! When you’re ready to talk to a CENTURY 21® Local Listing Search real estate agent, they’re only a few taps away.
Let us know what you think! Rate our app, or send feedback to [email protected].