Best Wallpapers 4K - WallPick
301.3k Reviews -
2.93 Version
High-Quality Beautiful Background Image!

Get the best Wallpapers!
Offers free High-Definition beautiful images.
Easy to view and easy to set as wallpaper.
- High quility wallpaper, background image. HD, 4K
- Categories with sort options
- Find by category, color, tag
- Easy to set as wallpaper
- You can save image
- Add favorites
- Set a solid color as a wallpaper
[About Permissions]
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to save the wallpapers to your device storage.
- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to read the saved wallpapers from your device storage.
We are adding new images every week.
The wallpapers are being downloaded from the internet, so you need an internet connection.