Take a photo of your Math Problems and get answers

AutoMath will give you the answer of any math question by simply taking a photo of it. Automath is a great way to check your homework, study and learn math. Automath even provides mobile tutoring from a live tutor to help you understand any math subject.
****Handwritten questions are currently not supported but they will be soon*****
AutoMath Photo Calculator Features:
- Quick and Accurate Answers + Steps
- Step by step solutions for easy learning
- No internet required
- Smart Calculator with Graphing and Tables
- Can solve simple to advanced math questions
- 250+ Mathematical Functions
AutoMath Photo Calculator Currently supports:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Fractions, Division, Inequalities, Powers, Polynomials, Linear Equations,
Square Roots, Trigonometry, Algebra, Simplification, and Basic Algorithms
AutoMath Smart Text Calculator supports: (photo math calculator not yet available for most of the below)
Any other math problems such as calculus, equation systems, complex math, graphing, table of values, and more
AutoMath now includes a Pocket Math Tutor - 24/7 Answers & Steps to all your math problems (including math word problems). Your first question is free.
Please Note:
Your very first photo will copy data files which will take longer then normal. After the initial photo it will be a lot quicker.
Example Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYladg1nCYM
Graphing Example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpIA7JhDZ_Q
Quick Mode Example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtGmWHB3FZQ
Decide the future of AutoMath by Beta Testing: https://plus.google.com/communities/112210106892044446358