AIMP for Android is old school playlist-based audio player for Android OS

1. App does not have built-in music library and uses old school playlist-based approach for music playback
2. App may works incorrectly on devices based on M.I.U.I firmware.
Please, report about all bugs into our forum: or write mail to support.
+ Supported formats: AAC, APE, DFF, DSF, FLAC, IT, M4A, M4B, MO3, MOD, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, MPGA, MTM, OGG, OPUS, S3M, TTA, UMX, WAV, WEBM, WV, XM
+ Support for Android Auto and custom Car PCs
+ Support for OpenSL / AudioTrack / AAudio output methods
+ Support for CUE Sheets
+ Support for OTG-storages and custom file providers
+ Balance control
+ Playback speed control
+ 29-band graphic equalizer
+ Sleep Timer
+ Themes: custom themes support
+ Themes: built-in light, dark and black themes
+ Themes: an ability to customize theme hue
+ Themes: support of night / day mode
+ Bookmarks
+ User defined playback queue
+ Automatic detection of tags encoding
+ Album Arts support (from tags / from file folder / from the Internet)
+ Multiple playlists
+ Smart-playlists based on folders
+ Internet radio
+ Lyrics support
+ HTTP Live Streaming
+ An ability to cross-fade tracks
+ An ability to down mix multi-channels audio files to stereo
+ An ability to down mix audio files to mono (optional)
+ An ability to register playing track as ringtone from player
+ An ability to repeat playlist / track / playback without repeating
+ An ability to control playback from notification area
+ An ability to control playback via gestures in album art area (optional)
+ An ability to control playback via headset
+ An ability to switch the tracks via volume buttons (optional)
+ Volume normalization using replay gain or peak-based normalization
+ An ability to delete files physically
+ An ability to sort files by template / manually
+ An ability to group files by template
+ An ability to search files in filtering mode
+ An ability to share audio files
+ An ability to add to playlist only chosen files / folders
+ An ability to play files from the File Manager applications
+ An ability to play files from Windows shared folders (only v1 and v2 of samba protocol are supported)
+ Integration with standard lock screen
+ Widget for the desktop
+ Widget for the notification area